With a brand-new year ahead of us, it is important to reflect and establish some important new habits going forward. One habit we highly recommend for all our little listeners is to stay on top of the homework we give you for the days you are not in clinic for therapy. Doing IM and HearBuilder at home helps you maximize the results of your personalized therapy plan. The additional homework reinforces the skills being developed in the clinic. The brain requires repetition to ensure skills are mastered and retained for the future. Many of our little listeners who don’t do their homework will often take much longer to meet their goals. The lack of continued practice after clinical discharge can lead to degeneration of skills learned in-clinic, which in turn can result in returning to the clinic for additional therapy sessions. Our goal is for you to complete the therapy program, personalized for you, and continue to improve your listening skills at home. So do yourself a favor and stick with the homework this year, the results may surprise you.
Start of the New Year
January 27, 2022|